Legislative Decree nr 102 July 4th, 2014 – Energy Efficiency Directive

Legislative Decree nr 102 July 4th, 2014
Energy efficiency Directive, obligatoriness of smart metering.
Sinapsi has the solution!

Legislative Decree 102 of July 4, 2014 as transposition of the Directive on Energy Efficiency (2012/27/UE Directive) establishes the framework of measures for the promotion and improvement of energy efficiency that contribute to the achievement of national savings energy.
From December 31, 2016, apartment buildings and individual units, supplied by a source of heating or cooling from a central or district heating network or from a central supply system which feeds a plurality of buildings, will be required to install specific devices for thermoregulation and smart metering, which aim to promote the reduction of energy consumption through the recognition of individual consumption and the division of costs based on actual consumption.
The Authority for Electricity, gas and water supply system has developed specifics for intelligent metering systems that provide information to end customers on current time use of the services and energy efficiency targets.
End customers should obtain adequate information with regard to the reading of data and monitoring of energy consumption to enable them to carry out detailed checks on their own. All the information will be made available, preferably in the form of a graph, allowing them an overall assessment of their energy consumption.

SINAPSI, from his decades of experience in the implementation of monitoring systems of technological systems, energy efficiency and smart metering offers EQUOBOX as a complete solution of modular products, open, scalable, integrated and above all easy to use. It consists of several devices that can be combined to form consumption monitoring solutions tailored to the needs of the individual user, EQUOBOX is a system for metering energy and other resources in a building allowing the allocation of running costs in compliance with UNI 10200:2013.
In response to the obligations imposed by the Directive, EQUOBOX allows :
Management of historical data
Historical data of the monitored plant with an effective system of consultation graphical and tabular.
Calculation of  consumption allocation
Ability to perform advanced calculations for the allocation of costs for buildings and house systems.
The information recorded by the plant will be available to the client for a consultation lasting over time.
It will also be possible to store them safely through the Internet, in the cloud platform, enhanced by a wide range of services.
Integration with home and building automation
The communication with building automation systems is a strategic task that allows the management of loads, implement energy policies and initiate automation scenarios, thus increasing energy efficiency.
